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Image by Diego Jimenez

general terms & conditions

Verdugo Travel GmbH

Mattweg 31
4144 Arlesheim
Telefon +41 79 949 76 36


Handelsregister-Nr.: CH-186.398.659



general terms & conditions

1 Subject of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) â€‹

1.1        These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the legal relationships between the customer and Verdugo Travel GmbH, hereinafter referred to as the Travel Agency.

1.2        These GTC are applicable when the Travel Agency is the organizer of the booked trip or offers other services in its own name. This also applies if the Travel Agency arranges a trip as per Clause 1.3 but offers additional services in its own name.

1.3         If the Travel Agency only arranges services of other providers (e.g., travel arrangements) or individual services (e.g., flight tickets), the GTC of these providers apply. In this case, the Travel Agency is not a contracting party but may charge fees for consultation, reservation, and, if applicable, for changes, cancellations, and payment conditions as per the following provisions.


2 Conclusion of the Contract 

2.1         The contract with the Travel Agency is concluded as soon as the customer's booking is accepted by the Travel Agency. From this point on, these GTC apply.

2.2        Special requests become part of the contract only if expressly accepted and confirmed by the Travel Agency.


3 Prices, Payment Conditions and Fees

3.1         Prices are indicated in the offer, price lists, brochures, or publications on the internet. Unless stated otherwise, they are per person in Swiss Francs and, for accommodations, per person in a double room.

3.2        Clause 6 is decisive for price changes.

3.3        Upon contract conclusion, the Travel Agency determines the amount and due date of the down payment and the final payment. If not specified, the entire price becomes immediately due.

3.4        If the down payment or final payment is not made on time, the Travel Agency may withdraw from the contract and claim costs as per Clauses 3.5 and 3.6, as well as cancellation costs as per Clause 4.

3.5        The Travel Agency may charge fees for consultation and reservation, even if it acts only as an intermediary. These will be communicated at the latest at the time of booking.

3.6        In the case of a last-minute booking, the Travel Agency may additionally charge an express surcharge.


4 Changes, Cancellation, and Non-commencement of the Trip by the Customer

4.1         Changes or cancellations of booked services by the customer must be communicated to the Travel Agency by registered letter. The received documents must be returned immediately.

4.2        For changes to booked services, the Travel Agency charges a processing fee, even if it only acts as an intermediary. This fee is usually not covered by cancellation cost insurance.

4.3        In case of the cancellation of the entire trip or parts thereof, cancellation costs, in addition to the processing fee, will be invoiced, even if the Travel Agency only acts as an intermediary.

4.4        For flight-only arrangements, any applicable cancellation costs of the airline will also be invoiced. These typically amount to 100% of the price.

4.5        Other conditions are possible. The Travel Agency informs about these at the time of booking.

4.6        Verdugo Travel GmbH recommends always obtaining cancellation insurance including assistance and medical cost coverage, unless already included in the booked services.


5 Substitute Traveler

5.1         If the customer cancels the trip, they are entitled to provide a substitute traveler, subject to acceptance by all service providers. The substitute traveler must be willing and able to enter into the contract under the existing conditions, fulfilling any health, vaccination, official requirements, etc.

5.2        Both the customer and the substitute traveler are jointly liable for the entire price, plus any additional costs and processing fees as per Clause 3.


6 Modification of Contractual Services by the Travel Agency

6.1         The Travel Agency reserves the right to modify advertised services before booking. The customer will be informed about this before booking.

6.2        Price increases after booking are possible in exceptional cases, such as increased transport costs, introduction or increase of fees or government taxes, or exchange rate fluctuations.

6.3        In the interest of the customer, the Travel Agency also reserves the right to change contractually agreed services before the start of the trip. The Travel Agency endeavors to offer the customer equivalent replacement services and inform them about the impact on the price. Further claims by the customer are excluded.

6.4        The customer's rights under Art. 8 ff. of the Package Travel Act remain reserved.


7 Cancellation of the Trip by the Travel Agency

7.1         If the customer gives justified cause, the Travel Agency may withdraw from the contract and claim costs as per Clauses 3.5, 3.6, cancellation costs as per Clause 4, and compensation for any damages incurred.

7.2        If the required minimum number of participants is not reached, the Travel Agency may cancel the trip up to 30 days before departure, unless otherwise stated in the advertisement. The trip can also be canceled due to force majeure, strikes, or government measures, making the trip impossible, endangering it, or making it significantly more difficult. In these cases, the Travel Agency offers the customer a replacement trip if possible. If the replacement is cheaper, the price difference will be refunded. If the customer declines the replacement offer, they will receive a full refund of the already paid price. Further customer claims are excluded.


8 Termination of the Trip by the Customer

8.1         If the customer terminates the trip prematurely, the price cannot be refunded. Unused services will be refunded, provided they are not charged by the Travel Agency. Return costs are the responsibility of the customer.

8.2        The Travel Agency recommends that the customer take out an appropriate insurance policy.


9 Complaints During the Trip

9.1         Complaints must be reported immediately to the local representative or service provider, and free redress must be requested. If sufficient redress is not provided within a reasonable period, the customer must have the defect confirmed in writing. The local representative or service provider is obligated to do so. If the defect is not minor, the customer may remedy it themselves. The resulting costs, if within the agreed contract services, will be reimbursed by the Travel Agency upon presentation of receipts, provided the customer reported the defect in writing.

9.2        If the customer wishes to assert claims against the Travel Agency, they must do so in writing within 30 days after the contractual end of the trip; otherwise, they forfeit their rights.


10 Liability

10.1       The Travel Agency is liable within the scope of Articles 14 ff. of the “Pauschalreisegesetz” for careful selection, organization, and procurement of the agreed travel services.

10.2       The Travel Agency is not liable for delays or changes in travel schedules and for expenses resulting from them.

10.3       The Travel Agency is not liable for theft and loss of telecommunication devices, valuables, cash, checks, credit cards, or their misuse.

10.4       The customer is responsible for the transport of animals. The Travel Agency is not liable for this.

10.5       For non-personal damages, the liability of the Travel Agency is limited to a maximum of twice the price of the contract services, unless the Travel Agency has intentionally or grossly negligently caused the damage. Liability covers only direct damages. Lower liability limits in international agreements or national laws remain reserved.

10.6       Verdugo Travel GmbH recommends that the customer take out an appropriate insurance policy.

10.7       In no case is the Travel Agency liable for force majeure, strikes, riots, warlike or terrorist events, or any government measures of any kind. The customer is obliged to inform themselves about any potential dangers associated with staying in the host country. Liability for loss of holiday enjoyment and similar claims is excluded.


11 Travel Suitability & Mobility

By booking, you assume responsibility for your travel suitability. This means that you can walk at a normal pace without assistance (wheelchair, walker, crutches, etc.), handle your luggage independently, and are not reliant on external assistance while traveling. Some activities (e.g., safaris) require good mobility and may take place on uneven terrain, making such trips unsuitable for individuals with restricted mobility (including back problems) or pregnant women. We recommend seeking medical advice beforehand to avoid risks.


12 Entry Requirements, Travel Documents, and Visas

Information in the travel documents regarding passport and entry regulations applies, unless stated otherwise, only to citizens of the EU and EFTA. The customer is responsible for their travel documents and visas. In case of refusal of entry, the customer must bear the return costs.


13 Inclement Weather, Absence of Animal Sightings

The Travel Agency does not guarantee good weather conditions and/or specific animal sightings. It is not liable for bad weather and/or the absence of animal sightings.


14 Ombudsman

Before engaging in legal disputes with the Travel Agency, the customer should contact the independent ombudsman of the travel industry. The ombudsman aims to achieve a fair and balanced settlement. The address is: Ombudsman der Schweizer Reisebranche, 8038 Zürich.


15 Data Protection

Data protection provisions available on our website are binding.


16 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

16.1       Swiss law exclusively applies to the legal relationships between the parties.

16.2      The place of jurisdiction is Arlesheim.

Verdugo Travel GmbH

Mattweg 31
4144 Arlesheim
Telefon +41 79 949 76 36

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